Prop3D a flexible, Python-based platform for protein structural properties and biophysical data in machine learning DeepUrfold deep generative models of protein structure to explore distant relationships across a continuous fold space HistoneDB 2.0 a webserver to store and classify histone sequences by variant using an ensemble of hidden Markov Models HSP-Tiler a python script to mend frameshift mutations in transcriptomics data using BLAST and HMMs for senior thesis at UCSC Work done in Mark Blaxter’s lab at The University of Edinbugh 6CysDB a webserver to study the structure and evolution of the ‘6-Cys’ domain containing proteins proteins from Plasmodium falicparum, the cuasitive agent of malaria. CarboLoad a program to validate and model glycoproteins by ligand fitting, and Carbohydrate Builder, a 2D carbohydrate builder and visualizer supporting GlycoCT